Rowan 2023 - 2024

Year 2


Hello and welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2, the adults are Mr Bullen, Miss Mannering, Mrs Jones, Miss Brennan, Miss Michael and Miss Reynolds. We all really enjoy learning new things and having lots of fun!

Mrs Bullen will be teaching on a Thursday morning and wil be covering art, RE and spelling.

P.E is on a MONDAY afternoon. The children can come into school wearing their P.E kit. Most of our P.E will be taking place outisde so the children are welcome to wear navy or black tracksuit bottoms. Please ensure they have appropriate footwear.   In spring 2,  we were going to conitnue our owl work but as an egg arived in our classrom, we've decided to look at a book called Dragon Machine.  Our history topic will be looking at the history of transport.

Dragon Machine

Please continue to read with your child as much as possible and complete their reading record. We encourage the children to talk about the books that they have read. 

At the bottom of the page you can find the memory joggers for this term.  If you have any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us by calling the school office.

Mr Bullen