
At Wolverham, we strive for all children to develop a thirst and enthusiasm for learning mathematics. Through a mastery approach (applying skills across different contexts) to the teaching of maths, we aim to ensure children are given a deeper and broader understanding of the key mathematical concepts in small progressive steps rather than being accelerated quickly through new content. We believe this approach ensures that all children can achieve. We want to inspire and excite children in their learning and help them to learn and remember more so that they are confident with the skills and knowledge needed to continue their maths journey as they progress through Wolverham and beyond. The teaching of vocabulary is given a high priority at Wolverham due to children’s low baselines in Nursery and Reception; we want to provide children with a progressive and coherent pathway through their maths learning to ensure opportunities are given to develop this.

Early Years and KS1

Our aim is to create fun, captivating, and inclusive maths lessons that ensure children are progressing and getting full coverage of The National Curriculum. In Early Years and KS1, we follow the small steps from First 4 Maths Academy. First 4 Maths Academy encourages a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach to learning which means our pupils are introduced to new mathematical concepts through the use of concrete resources. We supplement this with NCTEM resources and Primary Stars Educations guidance and resources. This allows us to adapt our lessons to give the necessary support and challenge to all pupils.

Fluid intervention takes place each afternoon for any children that require additional support with their learning in maths. 

To develop fluency of number facts, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 follow the Mastering Number programme by NCETM. These sessions are delivered four times per week. The use of this programme enables children to be introduced to the mathematical representations and language that will be built upon as they continue their mathematical journey through school.

The children also access Numbots at school and at home to develop their fluency of number facts.

If you would like to support your child at home in maths, the best things to do are to first practise their ability to represent amounts within 10. E.g. Show me 2 fingers, show me 4 cars, show me 6 pebbles.

If your child can do this, they then will need to subitise numbers e.g. roll a dice- do they know that they have rolled 3 without counting the spots?

As they progress through ks1, the children need to be able to recall bonds within 5 and 10. For example, being able to automatically recall that 1 + 3 = 4 and that 3 + 1 = 4. 

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, we follow the overview from White Rose Education. Teachers supplement this overview by adding resources from Power Maths, NRICH, I See Reasoning and Problem Solving, the NCETM Mastery Spine and any other valuable resources that can enhance and enrich the children's knowledge of maths.

At Wolverham, we are mostly proactive with intervention, so plenty of pre-teaching takes place, as well as oral rehearsal of times tables every day from Year 3 upwards. Books are checked every day and fluid intervention takes place in the afternoon so that any children needing extra help are ready for the next day. We also use the intervention Number Stacks to help children solidify their visual and oral concepts in maths.

If you would like to support your child at home in maths, the best things to do are to first practise their number bonds with them to 10, 20 and 100. 

Number bonds to 10 are, for example, knowing that you add 7 to 3 to make 10 and vice versa.

Number bonds to 100 are, for example, knowing that you add 64 to 36 to make 100 and vice versa.

If your child knows all of their number bonds fluently then it would be extremely useful for them to know all their times tables to 12.

Children in the whole of Key Stage 2 have a Times Table Rockstars login and children in Upper Key Stage 2 have a login for Doodle Maths. Both of these are useful home learning tools.

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