
At Wolverham, we want children to have a real enthusiasm about science and have the confidence to ask questions and find ways to answer them. To ensure engagement, we use every opportunity to incorporate practical investigations and activities and this, in turn, helps our pupils to learn and retain new knowledge and vocabulary. 

We endeavour to ensure that the Science curriculum we provide will give all children the confidence and motivation to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.

We want our children to love science! Our aim in recent years has been to remove the emphasis on writing and recording in a written form so our children experience Science in a way that will remember and inspire them in the future. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary.

We have a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum in science.

Early Years and KS1

Pupils in Nursery and Pre-school follow the Birth to 5 Matters guidance. Science falls under ‘Understanding the World’ and encourages children to look at similarities and differences in areas such as materials, nature and animals. In Reception they work towards the ELG objectives and look closely at contrasting environments, changes and the natural world.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Our science curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 follows the units of the National Curriculum. We have the flexibility to move units around within a year group to take advantage of any links we can make to other topics. Pupils in Key Stage 1 cover exploratory units in Light and Sound to prepare children for topics in Key Stage 2. This progressive approach, where skills, knowledge and vocabulary is built upon year by year, ensures that children leave Wolverham ready for Key Stage 3.



Science Progression Document

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