1. How does the school know if a child needs extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have additional needs?

At Wolverham, we monitor all children’s progress and attainment throughout every lesson and also through dedicated assessment weeks each term. We are aware that all children have different starting points and therefore track children systematically across the school using our whole school assessment system. Some children that have additional needs are tracked using PIVAT’s assessment tracker, this system enables us to measure smaller steps of progress that the child is making.

 All of the lessons taught at Wolverham are differentiated to meet the needs of the children in the class and children are expected to make progress across all lessons.

When a teacher or a parent has raised concerns about their child’s progress, and targeted teaching has not met the child’s needs, the teacher will raise this with the SENDCO. After assessment weeks, the Senior Leadership team, led by Miss Ogden, analyse data and identify children who are not making as much progress as we feel they should and additional English and Maths sessions are planned to target specific children. The teacher will discuss your child’s progress with you at our termly parents’ meetings or sooner, when you will be informed of your child’s progress and any additional support being given.

If your child is then identified as not making progress, the school will make a decision about whether to monitor this or set up an intervention group and will inform you. These groups may take place for a short period or over a longer period of time. If you have any concerns, we would always recommend you speak to your child’s class teacher initially, and at the earliest opportunity.

At Wolverham, we have an open door policy and welcome and encourage liaison with parents/carers as partners with your child’s learning.

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