7. How are staff trained to support children with SEND?
We are part of the Concordia Academy group of schools that are committed to providing a wide range of training for both teachers and teaching assistants to ensure our children have access to a range of high quality support materials. Our local authority provides a SEND cluster for SENCos which we are a part of.
Through regular staff meetings, all staff ensure their own professional development is kept up to date and access training on SEND issues such as autism spectrum disorder and administering medication to children. School also have a subscription to the National College which provides a wealth of training.
Individual teachers will also access training specific to children in their class such as the use of Makaton as a means of communication.
Our teaching assistants are also trained in a range of small group and 1:1 interventions including supported reading programme, Catch-Up Maths and Precision Teaching.
We employ a part time speech therapist (S Mainwaring) who works primarily within our foundation stage developing early communication.
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