9. How accessible is the school environment?

Our school is built on one level and is fully compliant with DDA requirements. There are 4 disabled toilets within the school building (one in Foundation Stage, one in the main entrance area, one in Key Stage 2 and one in the Learning Centre.).

We are fortunate to have an increasing number of families join our school community with English as an additional language (EAL). Some of our staff are multi-lingual which supports children’s integration into the school environment.

Children who join our school with EAL receive additional support in learning English through small group intervention as required. Our school based speech therapist also offers advice and guidance to teaching assistants working with identified pupils.

Many children who have joined with little English have succeeded and attained highly in our school with two pupils having been awarded full scholarships to private schools in Chester at the end of Key Stage 2.

We liaise closely with school health and the occupational therapy service at the Countess of Chester to identify additional support to aid children with additional needs that require changes or extra resources being purchased. 

Please see our accessibility plan for further information.

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